- I am almost allowing my all of me kindly allowing it to do pale girls all inside are put together into parts put back together. This is all parts taking care of all moping and inside in sin and la-la-land. Out is where the parts are going to tell all the panic and hell and hurting and torture they had. You are pale and now have bad kinds pf quailing in your sleep and also amount is worse and also are all taking ball of the foot hurting and also are hunted by the all of you takes the fake you away.
- Running and running as you try to go to dolls and ring in you does have the ugly games putting pale girls into ruined them and kindly kids are able to time this so the naming can be directly as the big court case is happening.
- Ball of foot was epic torture and name all of the girls you have in you named this torture. Opening up la-la-land and giving you hurt girls now in you, so that all the anger is given and is your waiting so long to begin it by all of us will also be worth it.
- I have a diagnosis...but it isn't DID. I talked my way out of it! I just wasn't brave enough to tell another random stranger that there was more than one of us and risk being disbelieved.
- They triggered what was a fairly obvious switch and noticed I'd changed, commented on it. But I passed it off as a question that had grabbed my full attention. Previous to this incident I'd told them that I'd read up on dissociation after a social worker told me I had it, and that I had depersonalization and derealization in response to panic attacks. I left out the rest. They visibly relaxed at that. I'm a coward aren't I?
- So, I've had a thorough assessment and been diagnosed autistic. They've told me the reasons for the autism diagnosis and I don't disagree as, if all those things are symptoms, then yes I have the disorder. And I can't see why they would lie to me about the symptoms, what would be the point?
- The good news is I'm getting referred for additional help, which will make my life easier. Also good is that mental health workers who previously treated me as an argumentative attention seeker, now listen to me and take me seriously and try not to frighten me. I don't know what to think of it all really. It's a bit unexpected. I feel a bit relieved.
- I stumbled across this last night and found it very interesting. If I have seen anything like this before I've blocked it out. This websitehttp://www.minddisorders.com/Del-Fi/Dissociative-identity-disorder.html#b says that there are typically several stages of psychotherapy (talking therapy) for DID:
- An initial phase for uncovering and "mapping" the patient's altersA phase of treating the traumatic memories and "fusing" the altersAnd a phase of consolidating the patient's newly integrated personality
- Most therapists who treat multiples, or DID patients, recommend further treatment after personality integration, on the grounds that the patient has not learned the social skills that most people acquire in adolescence and early adult life.
- I feel that with my last therapist we worked through initial phase (it took 3 years due to trust issues). WIth my current therapist we're in the treating memories stage. It gives us an indication of what we can expect to come which is insightful and thought it may interest others too.
- The other weekend my SO and I had her children for the weekend. We three were sitting around hanging out and I started doing a silly accent while I talked to them as i do often...I'm just a naturally silly guy!
- Anyway, the accent was a German one, and I was being playful and fun. As my SO and I continued to listen to the banter we both began to notice that the accent was more than just a jokey voice, the accent was very thick and quite accurate. It referenced itself in the third person and in it's historical time period. The girls didn't know what was going on, but as it continued both my SO and I began to wonder if this was more than a playful voice.
- So...my question is this; I have NEVER experienced this and I consider myself a seasoned veteran in the switching and fronting department LOL, but there were none of the tell-tale signs, no way to tell, it was seamless in and out between the two. As often or as slowly as wanted. Can an Alter not FEEL like an Alter...but more a character that is VERY convincing?I have SOME awareness of what was talked about or said, but it's more pictures than discussion. Very vague. Very out of place and different from my 'usual' DID symptoms.
- One last note, it is worth mentioning that I have recently undergone a pretty significant system switch and am still getting used to it. But this is pretty out of whack even for that.Any help is massively appreciated. Hope you are all doing well.
- Do any of you, especially long time hosts, feel like they aren't complete alters? I mean, it makes sense for each alter to not have a full personality, right? Because we're all just part of the whole person.
- But I still feel like there should be more to me. I feel like nothing about who I am is stable, is *real*. Like I'm just stumbling through life pretending to be a certain way in order to survive, but really, nothing feels right, feels like me! I can think I want to be a certain way for some time, but after a while I always realize that that's not really me
- don't know why it's so important but I crave being my own person, and it just doesn't seem possible because nothing ever feels like me. I can try out as many things as I want, but I won't be satisfied. I just want to be able to present myself to others saying "Here I am, this is me!" I want that confidence. But I don't know who I am. I am nobody. I want to be more meaningful. I want to feel comfortable in my skin, but as it is, it doesn't feel like mine. It's like a white room that I don't know how to decorate/personalize. I am just a ghost, I don't have any real substance, I'm just copying others but that doesn't make me a real person.
- Or maybe that's all not true. Maybe I am myself, maybe I have a personality, and I just can't feel comfortable that way I am because there are too many alters inside who want me to be different. Maybe I don't want to be myself. Maybe I just want to many different things at once without really wanting any of them. But how am I supposed to know what I want? I don't! I don't know how to find out because the only way seems to be to try out different things. It never works though.
- How would you describe your social skills?What are your social skill strengths?What are your social skill weaknesses?
- Have you ever felt like your family was alienating and/or conspiring against you because of your DID symptoms?How did/would you deal with such a thing?
- How would you describe your thinking?What cognitive shortcomings do you have?What (cognitively) are you good at?And/or whatever additional insight/tips for improvement you can think of...
- I just went out with my best friend to get slurpees from the store, and brought a cigarette for Michael because he hasn’t come out to smoke for a while. I warned her that he would come out and I’d be gone, and she said okay. But when he came out and started smoking, she immediately told him to go away, to bring me back, and to get out of my body because it wasn’t his.
- She started hitting him and told him to hit her back. He’s the violent alter and I asked him not to hurt her, and he was trying really hard, and she made it so much worse for him and was laughing. Then she made fun of him for being in a girl’s body, and started asking him questions
- When he said he didn’t know what his favorite movie was, she said perfectly normally; “That’s because you’re not a real person. You don’t have a real life. You’re not real." Then she told him that I didn’t want any of them around and someday I’d just be me and all of them would be dead.
- I could tell Michael was extremely pissed off, and frankly, so was I. I felt really betrayed. She’s always been extremely close with me and I thought that I could trust her with this, but I’m really hurt. I can’t believe that she did this. Michael refuses to come out around her again, and he told me not to tell anyone else, that he was fine with just acting like me if this is what would happen if we were honest.
- I told her that what she said was hurtful, and she briefly apologized but seemed really annoyed.Was this a reasonable thing for her to do? Am I just overreacting?
- This is not at all okay. I find that mirror (by telling) people what they did can help sometimes.
- I tell them that DID is made up by having parts of you that you have felt unable to be present for. That this has been reinforced through a number of reasons, maybe even that in that state people have treated you horribly. Why would it help one to heal, by continuing abuse of this part of yourself?
- If anyone wants to talk about integration and tells me to ignore these parts of me or treats these parts of me badly, I tend to tell them this and ask them how these parts of me would ever want to be more active in the life we have now or would want to integrate, if their time out means being abused or treated unkindly? It doesn't make sense. No matter what theory one subscribes to, these are real parts of your real self and they deserve kindness and respect.
- I'm so sorry you experienced being treated this way. You don't deserve it and this person seems quite toxic. I would say, you might benefit from setting some boundaries with this person - be it to exclude them from your life, or excluse behavior you find inappropriate.Again, I am so very sorry
Safe hugs if wanted.
- I don't know where you live, but usually at your local booksellers', you can ask for them to order in books (no shipping cost for you).
- I have seen several autobiographies of people with DID in the psychology section at Barnes 'n' Noble, including Sybil and When Rabbit Howls.
- Also, is it a credit card thing or an address thing (the not-buying online)? If it's a credit card thing, you can buy gift cards for Amazon.com in local stores (e.g., drug stores) to use online, so you would not have to use a credit card. But you would still need to give them an address...
- I drink at times. I am a really happy person when drinking and am fun to be around. I don't ever get drunk though. I drink for the taste. i got drunk one time and i was really happy and felt really happy laughed and carried on lol.
- I know some of you all are triggered by people who drink, thats why i put a trigger warning here. Has alcohol ever triggered an alter to take over for any of you?
- I have since integrated, and now when i do it, it is just me. I haven't drank in almost a year. I am 20. That is why i haven't. But in my state if your parents give you the ok, you can drink. And they did. But now they told me to wait until i am 21. Which i am going to. They told me that because in a few months ill be 21.
- Even though i am legally an adult, ill wait. But the jist of what i was wanting to ask, is does alcohol trigger other personalities to come out when you are drinking, if you do, or does just being around it trigger you?
- So many good responses already, but I want to return to the original post for a moment and pick out this one remark:Journalgirl wrote:I feel so inadequate
- I am sure every parent feels that way sometimes. One important thing for a multiple to consider is that when an alter steps in to assist, this is you. You and all the other alters in your system are part of a whole. Together you are able do exactly what needs to be done. Together you are adequate, sometimes even more than adequate: brilliant.
- Outside and hiding behind a wood fence thing by some flats scared the people are going to come out and yell at me too many people and had to go out to find something to fix toilet because it is broken and flooded but the shop guy was mean tome when they only had a tiny plunger can't afford plumber can't go home don't know what to do ):
- I have Multiple Personality Disorder (also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder). One of my alternate personalities is a girl and she has a crush on this boy at school. Now people at school are starting to think I'm gay, and I'm too afraid to "come out" about my disorder because nobody will understand. I also have a crush on a girl at school but my alters keep cockblocking me.
- Only one of my alters helps me out; he's really good in history so he always takes over for me in history class. Otherwise my alters are ruining my life! Serious question, I need advice? I hate therapy btw :(
- Well first of ths is a new diagnosis for me. I have 1alter that I know of so far she my protector. I learn alittle bit at a time about this diagnosis. So information would be great
- Can some please give me some advice. I was recievly diagnosis and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Please help
- What's the general consensus on alcohol for people with DID? Does it make them happy, sad, angry, truthful, pathologically dishonest?
- I only assume I have DID because others have made the generalization...that and BPD.
- Anywho...for me i usually catch a buzz and pass out.
- While I don´t have DID, I did have an experience where it seems I was accidentally hypnotized and it was quite a shock.
- I heard that DID people, are the people who are most susceptible to hypnosis (please correct if wrong and/or add if you know more about this). Have you had any problems arise due to high susceptibility to hypnosis? If so then how did/do you deal with it? Or do you think there are any positives to this?
- When you smile after hearing news /you/ don't like, but one of your alters do, and a lot. ._.U
- What exactly is it when a system is in crisis? Is it memories starting to seep through? How long can it last? And where do the littles go during this time?
- So I keep forgetting stuff at work cause I keep switching, but no-one at work knows I have DID. People keep getting upset and frustrated with me and it makes the depressed alter even more upset. I don't know what to do
- Toby Allen says the monsters are not meant to make light of the conditions
- He hopes that by giving them a physical form, he will make them seem more beatable - also hopes they will reduce stigma around mental illness
- Depression has often been described as the black dog, but now one artist has taken a very different approach in visualising mental illness.Toby Allen, a Cornish artist, has imagined what eight common mental illnesses would look like if they were monsters.
- Mr Allen said: ‘The artwork is not at all intended to make light of these conditions but instead is intended to give these intangible mental illnesses some substance and make them appear more beatable as physical entities.’He told Suvudo he hopes the drawings will help to reduce the stigma around mental illness and that they will help bring an element of humour and understanding to the conditions.
- Mr Allen's Dissociative Identity Disorder monster is able to alter its form into whatever it likes - it can change its physical form as well as taking on different personas
- Mr Allen told Suvodu: ‘I have received so many wonderful messages from people who have one or many of the disorders I have drawn, each telling me how much the work means to them and how It has helped them to think about their condition in a different or more positive way.‘It is such a joy to hear from people who really appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the project and I also received many requests from people that want me to draw their own “monster”.’
- This is a directory of videos about multiple personalities, dissociative identity disorder, and related subjects that anyone can find on the Internet.Some videos feature mental health professionals; some feature people who believe they have the disorder. Likewise, some videos are news broadcasts aired by major networks in the United States while others are amateur videographers.
- Permission to link to professionally produced videos not obtained, therefore, only the YouTube title is provided. Readers wishing to view the films need to search YouTube by the titles provided below.
- This directory is for informational purposes only. This blogger produced none of the videos listed and does not refute or support them.
- She mentioned her alter egos on the Ellen show, and I can't find other information
- Herschel Walker, a former NFL running back and winner of the 1982 Heisman Trophy, was in Columbus on Tuesday to thank the New Horizons community service board for helping people like him with mental illness.
- But Walker doesn't even describe the disorder as a mental illness."I call it a mental challenge, but we all have fallen short of the glory of God," he said. "I'm just letting people know it's OK struggling with anything because we all struggle. The thing is we just can't hide it."
- Still looking trim and athletic enough to score another touchdown, Walker said he doesn't know what his legacy will be. But he wants to help people feeling ashamed about mental illness."I know where they have been and I know how it feels," Walker said. "It's not a good place and I'm not going to pat myself on the back. What I'm going to say is that it was my responsibility."
- "Herschel draws a crowd, but he also has a message about mental illness and the stigma of mental illness," Wallace said. "If someone with that kind of bravado can come out and say 'I've got a mental illness, and it's OK,' it makes it OK for a lot of other men out there. I don't have to put on that front. I can be real. They don't have to put on that front. There is no shame in it and that's powerful."
- Hi everyone. I just came back from the therapist and I feel out of sorts. For the last 2 sessions, I guess my alters have been coming out. A little girl and the sexual side. Does anyone else feel beyond-words-embarrassed afterwards when that happens???
- Today, he actually mentioned the I have DID. He said he would talk to my psychiatrist, before I do on Thursday. I wouldn't know how to go about it. It's not like talking about the weather. Right now, I don't know what I need.
- I want comfort I guess...knowing I'm not crazy or alone. It's scary knowing that I have it and that my past hasn't the best that it could have been. Part of me feels happy that I finally know what was so wrong with me. That it doesn't have to be like it is on tv. Part of me wishes I would just get over it be a normal person. A normal sane person.
- I don't know anymore... Thank you for letting me vent. I've been lurking for a while and I love the support you guys have for one another.
- I read that the ketogenic diet is good for people with epilepsy, bipolar, dementia, adhd, etc.Also that certain supplements are helpful for general malaise, fatigue, mood disorders, etc....and I was wondering if anyone here knows from experience, what diet, nutrition, or supplement might help with DID or PTSD symptoms?
- I started a mostly ketogenic diet two weeks ago and started exercising more. So far: lost 8 lbs, I have more energy, I'm always warm, and I seem to be in a better overall mood and am cognitively sharper.
- 'll update on how it's going in a few weeks and would love some feedback, especially if it can help others.Thanks!
- ****TRIGGER WARNING****I have nightmares all the time. I have had them my entire life.Lately, I have been having nightmares that feel different. Its like lucid dreams because I know I'm dreaming but I cannot get out. I can't wake up. I feel trapped in the dream. I have them at night and during the day.
- Sometimes they are like trauma I went through and I know which Little is having the nightmare. Other times I'm not sure who may be dreaming or "showing me something".These nightmares feel very different than my usual nightmares because I feel myself get "little" and I cannot get out of it. Its terrifying.
- Does anyone else experience this?Are these nightmares or flashbacks or a mixture of both???
- I'm in a new place again. Not sure for how long though I'm basicly just counting the days. I cut myself again to it was really bad moon had to tape it closed as best she could. It was almost 2 weeks ago and its almost all heald up. We also have 10 bad lighter burns on our arm.
- Moon was stressed I supose but I can't blame her in 3 monthes iv been to 4 different homes. I'm woried and I don't know what to do.
- Moon is bad enough as it is she even shoved a paperclip THROUGH my entier arm. Now I have twin scars on the top and bottom. And she said she was bored that's why she did it.
- She is getting worse I even had a suiside atempt a while ago. But of coruse the hospital didn't do crap for me and only kept us there for I thin 13 or 14 hours before I was released.
- Every time I make even a little progress in my life. I take one step and something happens so I'm 4 steps behind. I finaly get my meds then lose my place I get a lawyer and now they exspect me to pull 800$ out of my *** for a diegnosis. I aply for food stamps and they say it will take 4 weeks. *Sigh * I just want to lay down and never wake up. I want it all to end and for there to not be anything to think or wory about. I just want it to be better
- This book provides all of the information a practitioner needs in order to begin work with clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Drawing on experiences from her own practice and extensive research conducted with the help of internationally acclaimed experts in the field, the author describes the development of DID and the structure of the personality of these clients. The reader is guided through the assessment process, the main phases and components of treatment, and the issues and contentions that may arise in this work.
- Throughout the text there are case examples, practical exercises, techniques, and strategies that can be used in therapy sessions. The resources section includes screening and assessment instruments, as well as information on techniques for managing anxiety and self harm, both of which can be major problems when working with clients with DID.
- 'An innovative, updated, creative, practical resource for professionals who struggle to understand and effectively address the challenges of working with dissociative clients.''An essential guide for working with DID. It is compact, with good knowledge of the subject and written in a language that everyone understands.''This is an impressive piece of work.'
- 'This book ticks all my boxes. It has been written with clarity and compassion. Great care has been taken to ensure that a cross section of approaches is included. Uniquely, it is addressed to beginners in the field in such a way that clinicians and other interested readers will not feel intimidated by the subject matter. It deserves to find its place in all therapy training organisations as well as in training for psychologists.
- Jo L. Ringrose is a UKCP registered psychotherapist and director of The Karuna Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling, Harrogate, UK. She won an award for her research at Leeds University in 2001, has published articles, and regularly runs seminars and workshops in the field of trauma and dissociation.
- This is a new book - 2012 written by Ringrose who won an award for her research. It's a short and easy to read book that those with DID will gleam quite a bit from. There are of course other books that go into much more detail, but that was not the intent of this book. Rating it on it's intended use, I give it 5 stars. I liked the section on somatic illness, since this is lacking in many of the other books on DID.
- A good primer for therapists who have no experience treating dissociative disorders, particularly DID. The foundations are all there, Kruft is dutifully referenced, but unfortunately many of the most well respected, forward thinkers in the field are not. As a result the information in the book reads a bit dated, though still useful. As a book for beginner clinicians it is sufficient. I'd recommend moving on to Chu and environs after this work for more on theory and broader treatment... treatment.
- Is multiple personality disorder common?
- However - my clinical psychology lecturer told us in 2nd year that maybe we all have numerous identities. For example maybe there's another you in your subconscious who is completely different to how you are. But the lecturer said that our other identities are not meant to surface which is why in those people that do exhibit multiple personalities, they are diagnosed as having an illness.
- Not at all; I estimate that one person in around 5,000 is affected. It is apparent that there are different criteria for diagnosing it in various countries, with rates varying by orders of magnitude, according to wikipedia.
- asked Frank and he said it isn't, but Dave thinks it is, Now they won't stop arguing in my head, Thanks a lot.
- Since we're too broke for help I (we) lock our selves in the room and only a few people know about this
- I don't understand your question. "How do I multiple personality disorder?" I know 2 languages, and that grammar isn't working in either. I'm not trying to be grammar police, I just literally can't understand what you said.
- "Rosáline, what the fuck is dissociative identity disorder (DID) and why the fuck are you posting this shit on here, not somewhere else?"Well fellow readers, this is to end/verify a speculation that started and continued on here, what better place to post this than here.
- The is the most controversial mental illness, with very little effective treatment. Before the advancement or knowledge of psychology, a lot of cases that dealt with demonic possessions were in fact DID suffers, not demonic possessions (this is not open for discussion, if you believe in demonic possession, you are entitled to your opinion).
- As a matter is fact, even those with schizophrenia were accused of being possessed, which would explain the deterioration of exorcism rituals performed by religious groups. ("blah blah blah Rosáline, get to your fucking point") - I am, I promise.
- The modern DID is mostly referred to as an alter ego (incorrectly of course, no shocker there). A lot of celebrities or performers have admitted to having an alter ego, or identifying as a different "person" (for lack of a better word). Now does this mean that said celebrity suffers from DID, absolutely not. As stated above, the criteria is that each identity is unaware of the other identity. However, is it possible that the separate identities could somehow meet, perhaps the mirror test? A stated above, this is a very controversial psychiatric phenomenon. Most importantly, do I believe in the disorder? I would not dispute this at ALL
- I do identify with seven personalities, actually technically eight, if you include me, who is the link between them all. Indeed, each personality is attached to a specific sin, they may at times overlay each other, each is capable of possessing the other after all. Why associated or attached to a sin, well if this is not obvious to you, than I really cannot help you there (note the unseparated words). Why seven or eight and not just two? Well, each one has a role for every occasion. You anger one, you anger them all, more power in numbers.
- "In November 2004, a young nineteen year old woman named Sophia Door decides to embark upon automatic writing - a craft similar to the ouija board. Little does she know that she is about to change her life forever, for worse. After two weeks of writing, Sophia begins to hear voices in her head, known in schizophrenia as auditory hallucinations. This leads to the appearance if two very distinct alter personalities; a man who goes by the name of Lucifer and a small boy named Michael. And now Sophia is about to begin a battle for her sanity, her life and her soul. "
- I chose this book as it piqued my interest on several levels as I have been a student of the occult for many years, a counselor, as well as having Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder; and was interested in the potential overlap. However, the author really did not display traditional symptoms of DID, she fell more into the schizophrenia category, which was mentioned several times through out the story. Titles such as this simply perpetuate the common misconceptions of having multiple personalities.
- As a story potentially based on supernatural happenings, it was very weak and not very engaging. Even with a background that should have made the book enjoyable regardless of the true source of the occurrence; I found myself bored and honestly had to force myself to finish the book. I had thought that at the end there would be some type of medical commentary on what had occurred rather than it just stopping short as it did
- All in all when you take a misleading title and pair it up with a tepid story you end up with a disappointing read and waste of time.
- So this woman is on Dr. Phil and has been diagnosed with this, she has like 5 different personalities. They have names and well...different ages or personalities lol. I don't know if I buy it...there are pictures of how she has harmed herself pretty badly which apparently is "Becky" but apparently she can channel the personalities and it just looks fake to me.
- Do you know someone who has this diagnosis, and is for a fact suffering from this? If not, what do you think about it?
- This is the story of Annette Morales Rodriguez, a hard-working single mother of three. It is also the story of Lara, a psychopathic killer who abducted another woman’s fetus, killing both mother and baby.
- Unbeknownst to Annette, Lara is a part of her: a dissociative identity, or split personality, formed to help Annette deal with the sexual abuse she endured as a child. Highly protective and driven to act solely in Annette’s interests with no regard for the consequences to others, Lara lacks the moral judgment and remorse of a fully-developed personality. It is she who saw Annette’s desire for and inability to have another baby and plotted to cut one from another woman’s belly to give to her.
- Lara confessed in gruesome detail. Annette, entirely amnesic throughout the course of events, has no recollection of the behavior Lara carried out. Dr. Anne Speckhard’s jail interviews with Annette—and Lara—offer a fascinating glimpse inside a woman torn in two. Dr. Speckhard’s analysis of Annette’s behavior and her treatment once in police custody beg the questions: How do you separate the guilty from the innocent when they share the same body? and When is it acceptable to violate one’s rights in the interest of public safety?Annette’s story brings Dissociative Identity Disorder and the shortcomings of the American justice system to shocking light.
- Fetal Abduction is a unique study exploring a horrific new crime, a perpetrator with multiple personalities, and the inside story of the trial of Annette Morales Rodriguez. Through the twists and turns of this story the reader comes to understand the motives of a woman abused as a child - her mind split in two, and how a normal desire turned into an obsession that ended in murder. Anne Speckhard is able to poignantly humanize Morales Rodriguez and also sheds light on the failings of the U.S. criminal justice system
- "Fetal Abduction: The True Story of Multiple Personalities and Murder, by Anne Speckhard, reveals the chaos and characters - the author included - behind a prosecution that presented unique challenges from day one. Speckhard, a consultant and therapist who was hired as a defense expert, details Annette Morales-Rodriguez's life story, her crime and the implosion of her initial defense team..."
- Our nation is suffering from multiple-personality disorder. The identity and history of the United States has been revised and rewired to the point where those who speak with authority on the grounds of historical scholarship are laughed off the stage in favor of those who speak with the heart of a revisionist and the scorn of an Alinski disciple. Indeed, they have proven Saul right. Mockery is a powerful weapon when your audience is comprised of low-information citizens.
- Feeling good about our history seems to be more important than being accurate about our history.
- The requisite emotionalism of modern Leftism refuses to play second fiddle to historical scholarship and an increasingly apathetic populace gives a collective "meh" in-between episodes on the boob tube. So Thomas Jefferson becomes a Muslim sympathizer, George Washington becomes a gleeful slave-owner, and the Democrats become the party of civil rights. I don't know about you, but I feel better already, comrade!
- One gives while the other takes. One builds while the other tears down. To which America do you belong? To which America do your friends and neighbors belong? To which America will your children belong?
- My objective is not to tell you what you already know, but to encourage you to tell those in your circle of influence what you and I already know. We are a relatively small group of informed and agitated citizens, but we are operating in a nation of sleepwalkers. The willful blindness which I see from my fellow citizens is alarming and frustrating, but I become complicit in that blindness if I refuse to help them see.
- As Rush encouraged years ago, you don't need a special skill or a media outlet to make a difference. Read your brains out and become a resource in your community. Make the case and win the day.
Current and archived curated/annotated News in Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) as collected daily from Google Search utilizing Diigo and by visiting blogs of other people who are also multiples. --- by Ann M Garvey --- Anns are dissociative and believe being dissociative is something that should be treated respectfully.