- What do you guys do when confronted with a leaving therapist?
- I feel awful right now. I was just at the verge of being ready to open up to her but she's forced to leave real soon now.
- I feel like all the bad things are happening all at once. I wish I could just disappear from life.
- Do your protectors ever declare a "police state"?
- This is Mae. Something upset Elyse, and I'm taking control for the next week to give the situation time to pan out and settle down.
- Does anyone else do this? I'm not looking for confirmation that this is "okay". This is what is best for us. I decide that. I'm simply curious if anyone else takes control like this.
- Hey everyone. One of the systems we look up to is the system of MultiplicityandMe from YouTube, and lately they've been getting a lot of publicity--on TV, in a documentary, in the newspaper, and so on.
- Has anyone ever gotten any (hopefully positive) publicity where you're from? I'm not asking for you to point to your specific case, as I know it's important to not reveal your "real life identity". Just a question.
- If you have, how were you approached? Or did you submit a letter or video anywhere?We're very curious. Our main mission in life (so far) is to dispel myths about our condition, and to bring light to it, as it's very misunderstood. MultiplicityandMe is doing an excellent job in the UK. But we haven't seen anyone in the US in the media lately.
- Why not us? Or any of you.
- Herschel Walker, with bulging biceps and toned physique, is the picture of good health. Smiling and affable, he entertained his audience at Eisenhower Auditorium on Sept. 24 with exploits of his remarkable football career, which included winning the Heisman Trophy in 1982.But Walker, 51, has a mental illness and was invited to speak to Fort Leavenworth soldiers on a far more serious topic than his career.
- As the featured highlight to this year’s Suicide Prevention Month, Walker came to stress that it is OK to ask for help when dealing with mental-health issues that can lead to suicide.“Go get help. Don’t put it off. There’s no shame in asking for help,” he said.
- Walker should know. According to his 2008 book, “Breaking Free: My Life with Dissociative Identity Disorder,” he was diagnosed in 2001 with dissociative identity disorder, or multiple personality disorder. Without the proper professional help and support of family, Walker said that he would not have survived.
- The book states that Walker had realized before the diagnosis that his life, at times, was simply out of control and that he often felt angry, self-destructive and unable to connect meaningfully to friends and family.
- “I now understand that there may have been has many as 12 distinct alters enabling me to cope with my reality,” he wrote. “Some of them were aware of the presence of others, some were not.”
- In a brief interview after his speech, Walker said he is not on medications but that treatment and therapy have proven beneficial.
- Above all, he wants soldiers to know that there is no disgrace in being diagnosed with a mental-health issue.“That’s the problem,” he said. “A lot of people think they lose their masculinity. I’m here to say that you don’t. That’s one of the biggest things I try to stress to people.”Last year, 325 soldiers committed suicide throughout the Army, statistics show. The Army is pushing an anti-stigma suicide prevention campaign. Details are on realwarriors.net and www.preventsuicide.army.mil.
- Student Jessica Clark has been speaking to This Morning about dealing with a condition known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) which means she is living with five different personalities.
- Jessica is a normal girl who enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and shopping with friends, but at any moment her life can be taken over by one of her four 'alters'.As well as being herself, Jessica can also become American actor Jake, bisexual Jamie, gay anorexic Eddie or 10-year-old cartoon-loving Oliver.
- "I assumed that everyone had people living in their head, as strange as that sounds, and I honestly didn't realise that I was any different from anybody else."Jessica was diagnosed with DID at the age of thirteen and says she has learned to manage her condition.
- Despite the unusual circumstances Jessica lives with on a daily basis, she has continued with her studies and is now studying for a post-graduate degree.
- For those of you at home and in the UK, piece on this morning at 11.30 today on multiple personality disorder.
- Think they may be interviewing a lady with the condition. Just thought would post if anyone interested in watchin
- 26 September 2013: Jessica Clark loves nothing more than going shopping and snuggling up with a DVD with her fiancé Gareth, but at any moment her life can be taken over by one of her four other personalities. Jessica has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and shares her life with bisexual Jamie, his Buddhist brother Jake, gay anorexic Eddie, or 10-year-old Oliver.
- Although at times it is exhausting, Jessica and Gareth can't imagine their lives any other way. They both joined Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on ITV's This Morning to talk about what life is like living with multiple personalities, along with psychologist Dr Jane McCartney, who explained more about the disorder.
- Jessica recalled how it seemed to start when she was six, and she remembers playing with a character called Jake and realising that he was just in her head. Her alters can communicate with each other in her head, and they all get on. She added that it can be very noisy and eventful. She's had to learn to control the problem.
- Her fiancé Gareth said when he first found about Jessica's alters he took it in his stride. He's met all the characters and has different relationships with all of them. He said he can go to bed with Jessica and wake up with Eddie.
- r Jane explained that this used to be called multiple personality disorder. It often happened because of a childhood trauma. There is a sense of not having a whole character. She thought it was odd Jessica's alters were all men, which was unusual. She said there wasn't a cure and the key was to be able to manage the condition and the personalities
- My partner isn't an expert in Dissociative Identity Disorder and the mental health issues that come with it, he doesn't need to be.
- I want to speak and try to release some pain but I cant type what I want to say. Like I'm being prevented?I'll try again tomorrow maybe.
- pain comes with silence, and silence with pain. the pain likes silence because it feeds on it. the pain makes you hide in silence, and the silence causes more pain.
- why are we always paralyzed and silenced? i want to run away and scream
- Severe sexual, physical, or psychological trauma in childhood has been proposed as an explanation for its development; awareness, memories and emotions of harmful actions or events caused by the trauma are removed from consciousness, and alternate personalities or subpersonalities form with differing memories, emotions and behavior.
- This occurs with me when my potential BPD kicks in. i get depressed, and then i feel empty, which makes me feel unreal. How often do you all feel this way?
- What's the best advice to give to my SO? She has been finding it really difficult, increasingly. She says she doesn't know who I am or who she's talking to at any point and that she fell in love with another person: it wasn't me in control when we met and the other mind state is very charismatic and confident, whereas I struggle socially in addition to other emotional problems.
- She has really been trying but is scared because she doesn't feel like the rest of us love her which isn't true, but my other identity states including myself have a lot of issues expressing feelings and a lot of the time i don't feel any emotion at all; I am fairly sure varying emotionsare kept within other identity states as I only experience these variances when not in control.
- She is very depressed at the minute and i don't know how to make it easier for her.
- I know this situation is unprecedented for her, and for me, and i am concerned about her mental wellbeing so much that i have told her she needs to make the choices that are in her best interests and not mine and if that means leaving me then she has to do that for herself; she says she loves me too much for that and she doesn't quit on things, and i don't want her to leave either but it feels like she is punishing herself.
- I have ordered a couple of books recommended in the other thread here so i am hoping advice in them will help...
- Internal part is jealous of my partner and b/c it's a new revelation to the rest of us there is a sinking feeling that "oh, no. I will bring it up therapeutically. Very little wisdom on how to manage this.
- The internal part has a role and does not like relationship (very deep and significant) of the outer person. We all had little knowledge that this part could have these kind of jealous feelings (maybe it was denial).
- Getting help for this feels daunting.
- Nancy-Lee Mauger, 50, lives in Needham, Mass. If you ask her, she will tell you: She has dissociative identity disorder. She used to be a professional French hornist. And she is now a visual artist.
- What does your life sound like? Please send a recording of four sounds that tell the story of your life — at this moment in time — to protojournalist@npr.org. Please include your name, age and where you live. You may be contacted for an interview.
- If you’re not sure how to record your sound story, please go to NPR’s Tumblr for instructions.Thank you.
- AT THE height of her illness, Carol had dozens of different personalities.
- Carol/Louise had been sexually abused by her parents and forced to make child pornography. Then there was a more aggressive persona, who acted as Carol's protector and during questioning would fly into a rage.
- None of those details are true. Not the pornography, not the sexual abuse, and not the different personalities; they had all been summoned into existence by Carol's psychiatrist. "This doctor [was] very charismatic and manipulative," says Carol.
- Berry stars as an exotic dancer dealing with multiple personality disorder in the project, which also stars Stellan Skarsgard, PhyliciaRashad and Chandra Wilson.
- Directed by Geoffrey Sax, Frankie & Alice opened in a limited release on December 10, 2010, for an awards run. Berry was nominated for a Golden Globe for best actress for her performance.
- “Halle Berry delivers a spellbinding performance in Frankie & Alice,” said Codeblack Films president Jeff Clanagan. “Codeblack is thrilled to bring this important film to theaters nationwide delivering on our commitment to bring more quality films to the marketplace.”
- How would i go about getting to know my alters? i've never seen them and i'm trying to figure out how to communicate with them. Only one actually comes out, and even then he only comes out at school where i can't really speak with him... D:
- now i feel like ichigo did with his zanpakutou...
- Im livin in a lie today, been livin it three days. Im dying deep inside today, my hearts the one who pays. It pays for preservation, for safety to my kids, hopefully its not for long cos thats how bad it is. My tower that I built with care has failing foundations. The mortar binding brick to brick is full of infestation.
- My eyes sadly survey all the unknown damage done, the more I look, the more I find, back to when itd begun. My hopes that lived high in the heavens now lie in ruins in hell. I dont know what to say or do so a lie is where I dwell. Today i hold an image, a photo at all times.
- So I remember what is true whilst living in a lie. I know I must go seek out, a dwelling that is true, I just dont have it in me yet to want to beathe or stand. So I just drift along busy with others swift demands. Theres truth I can access, its near me now n then. But guarded like fort ******* knox, there is no ******* end.
- Why must I suffer smiling at whats been killing me? I deserve the best and nothing less cos its how i choose to be. They choose to be maggots, lazy n centred on self, being spoiled daily with what I own which is the real wealth.
- I've been meeting lots of people lately, and its been good overall, though I go back and forth with denial. I've been "leaving the doors open" in the sense that I'm trying to be receptive and non judgemental to any voices/thoughts/experiences.
- However, I'm starting to relapse again with eating issues. I really, really don't want to do that, but I get the feeling someone does. I'll be perfectly content with a plate of food, for example, then I'll have a very sudden feeling of self-disgust, followed by hopelessness if I start to eat...and then, of course, I won't be able to stop eating.
It has that sense of being distanced from the emotions that I'm starting to associate with the emotions not being mine.
- Has anyone dealt with this? How do you work on communication and cooperation?
- Do you ever miss the other personalities? I function better without them.
- And the reason mine integrated, was because i listened to my alter adam. I used other names for my alters because of people that knew me. But i listened to him when he told me to stop feeling sorry for myself, and stop worrying about the past.
- me it sucked that my grandfather died, but time flows ever onward, and i can't live in the past. And ever since i listened to him, and changed my outlook on life, They integrated with me. even though it says i've only been on this website since february 2013, i know i've been on it longer because my pdoc says i've been mentally stable for 10 months.
- So i don't know if that info was inaccurate or not.
- don't know any alters yet but my voice sounds like an ideal famous american youtuber version of me... wonder if i could still be a youtuber if i start switching...
- Hotmail!This mailbox on the side of the road is clever. Silly. Ridiculous. Funny. What a nice way to get your mail each day. It’s big enough for mail, and probably waterproof too. And certainly creative.This Hotmail Mailbox made me giggle so I had to share it, just for fun.
- You might think there could not be any parallels with Dissociative Identity Disorder in this picture but a few thoughts have come to mind for me. I took it on as a personal challenge. How could I not find some significant way to make this ridiculous picture fit into this oh so educational blog and the DID theme?!! I had to do it justice, yes?
- So here are my efforts:
- Its been a while since ive been on here. since 2012. or maybe early 2013. But ever since christmas, ive been integrated i believe.
- I integrated via meditation, and prayer to my gods. so i have been integrated since i stopped getting on here. which was a year ago, and the bipolar followed by going into remission 2 months later. so 10 months.
- How are you now spanky-spee?
- debetoile wrote:When the days go Monday morning, wednesday, thursday afternoon, sunday
- I can't find any books about coping with and/or controlling DID anywhere... please can someone point me in a direction??? (i'm 15 and my mum won't let me buy a book online because she's in denial about me having DID in the first place... ~.~) sorry about any trouble and thanks in advance
- Everyone has an inner narrator, even singletons.I don't experience "voices" of my alts or auditory hallucinations, but my inner narrator has always dialogued rather than monologued.
- My inner voice covers many attitudes, opinions, beliefs, and point of views, but even though I know each view represents an alt, it's like ny core being knows it's all me and it's all just my inner voice...hope that makes sense.
- Does your inner voice change? Mine sounded like a New Zealander when I was 18 and Russian when I was 12, (maybe I read Tolstoy a bit too young!) And now my inner voice has dropped one or two octaves and is sounding like a mix of New Zealand / British / N. American.
- Regarding time loss. I understand why the host loses time when another alter comes forward and then the host comes back. BUT...when this other alter comes forward, hasn't HE OR SHE lost time as well, if there is no co-consciousness? Or is the host the only one that loses time because he or she is like "home base?" Otherwise wouldn't you be in a continuous state of losing time each time a different alter emerged?
- My BF who has DID, has recently had a major switch. I believe that if he switches back, this will be "lost time" to him that he may not remember because I believe I was involved with the host. But, as he has switched now...maybe these past few years are all lost time to THIS alter?
- My partner brought up a tough questions.
- "What do you think you would be like if you were whole and can you imagine what life would be like?
- And hearing from another mouth sounded strange. So I decided to put the question to the forum.
- My view... let's say I get angry and afraid (Barry triggers)he would not switch he's not there I would not have his voice nor the harsh blur to follow wouldn't happen but my actions would be similar to his. along those ideas anyway.
- Do you consider yourself insane?
- AShatteredSoul wrote:What's the SCID-D?
- The SCID-D is a structured clinical interview (administered not self-assessed) to diagnose disorders on the dissociative spectrum.
- Not sure where you hail from, but in the UK the Pottergate Centre can help with this. (<!-- m -->http://www.dissociation.co.uk/<!-- m -->)
Current and archived curated/annotated News in Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) as collected daily from Google Search utilizing Diigo and by visiting blogs of other people who are also multiples. --- by Ann M Garvey --- Anns are dissociative and believe being dissociative is something that should be treated respectfully.