- I realize that I have, inadvertently, chosen to hide parts of myself from the world because of how people have treated me. I don't expect people to change – I mustn’t. I have to exist differently to claim any experience other than what I have before.
- If my logic confuses you,
then maybe it is because you think differently.
- Our blog is about the good, the bad, and the ugly in our life as a publicly visible multiple system.
- I have faith and trust in all of you to understand and find something in each of my posts that perhaps you can relate to, I always find a word or two in each of your posts that resonates with in me.
- And what will consciousness mean if we as men can create it? What is divinity, humanity? What is anything, after all, if anything can be manufactured… We must preserve somehow, above all things, our sense of self, our identity. For without it, we are lost, like teardrops in the rain.”
- Why wasn’t I good enough for her as a child or as an adult? Why couldn’t she trust that I’d always keep a place for her in my life? Why did she feel so alone in spite of the people around who loved her? And why did she feel like living was too big a risk to carry on?
- Those are the questions I asked my therapist, and the look in her eyes showed that she felt every bit as helpless as I did. She said I was searching for a mother I never had but always wanted.
- I can’t deal with the stress of this. It’s too much. Too much switching. Too much triggering. No more medicine. No more useless pills or useless tests. If the hypertension kills us, it kills us.
According to the World English Dictionary
Slog-) to work hard; toil, to move with difficulty; plod, long exhausting work, etc.- I was tired and sore and everything seemed to hurt, my knees, hips, back, I had a slight migraine and as I felt like I was slogging through the whole two days. I thought to myself.” self, this is much like therapy, you’ve got to keep slogging through it and keep going, there is an end in sight.”
- Abuse is a word that carries a whole lot of baggage.
- I remember the first time that I actually realized that my mother was abusive. I had been at a seminar about the misuse of power and control in relationships and I was exhausted from all the information that I was trying to comprehend.
- I realized that my alters and I have a similar disconnect because we understand things and all different kinds of levels. Sometimes my alters understand life but sometimes they have no idea what simple words or concepts are especially sarcasm.
- Last week she said do you have pics of the house of horror and we said no and she said what about google earth.
- we felt our heart fall into our chest and we realised there was something we could show her, it was important.
- He that would have the fruit must climb the tree.
~ Thomas Fuller, M.D. - Failure is an inherent part of learning. Failure is an inherent part of skill development. Failure is an inherent part of healing. Failure is an inherent part of life
- We are getting by, but everything about the present, and the future, is so frightening and uncertain.
- I still believe that having a sense of humor about life’s struggles is fantastic, and I really want to be able to bring fun into our posts again.
- The Eggshell People live in an Eggshell World with an eggshell mind in an eggshell house.
- Protecting their culture from reality in order to build a reality around them.
- Then add into the mix another multiple and her dog, temporarily living in a back bedroom in the 800 square foot house that the husband, two kids, and you currently reside.
- I expected we would get into a spat about something eventually. You don’t live on top of each other like this without having some issues with boundaries and personal triggers or pet peeves, even with the most mentally/emotionally stable average folks.
- I had stopped watching television as it made me switch, TV was very triggering.
- Just over a week ago I decided once again to try and challenge my fear of TV and settled down to watch Curious George- a cartoon about a monkey, I love monkeys.
- We had special blue tickets, so we got to stand right up front. Literally 15 feet from the podium. It was amazing.
- @SoulHealr “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” ~ Mark Twain
- @SarahEOlson2009 Harborview Center for Sexual Assault ~ Creating the Trauma Narrative [SEO: This free treasure trove of 11 .pdf client handouts can help you (preferably with your therapist's guidance) to create a trauma narrative -- to tell your story and help make sense of it. The .pdf handouts range from describing your feelings about being abused, how it has affected you, a letter to the perpetrator, remembering what happened, telling the sexual assault secret, and much more.]
- I’ve had a lovely vacation so far. Away from my phone, the internet, all of it. Just enjoying the company of family.
Until I spoke with my parents. - I must go
Go far from here
To a place where people care
To a place that has no harsh edges
To a place where no one is left behind
It is there I must go
- I’ve had a lovely vacation so far. Away from my phone, the internet, all of it. Just enjoying the company of family.
Until I spoke with my parents. - I could feel myself growing angrier by the second. I finally and exasperatingly said, “Can you tell me what the harm is in her getting a second opinion?
- 5000 word limit Winner gets fan art of their story, $5 and a certificate! Two runners up get fan art. Any genre Go go go.
- I am ready to go back–summer gives me too much time in my head and too much time to do nothing and then feel lousy about having done nothing.
- That said, I did do some things today.
- I have mentioned this previously – something people who work with horses call ‘looking with soft eyes’. I wrote this post while sitting outside this morning and simply copy it now into a post. This was written with ‘soft eyes’ – meaning that I did not look directly at the topic I wrote about, but rather softened my inner gaze in such a way that some kind of inner truth of mine could appear in the following words – or so I hope!
- All the usually less obvious elements of language come into blatant play — exaggerated facial expressions, extremes of tone, rhythm, prosody (the music of language), gesturing and body movements.
- What does it really mean to be feminine?
- I remember considering what it meant in high school during the height of ERA (Equal Rights Amendment).
- I’d look at food, and it would morph into something unpalatable and impossible to eat… or, just the thought of food would make me have a panic attack. Often there would be no context for these previous issues with food, and they seemed like random occurrences. I could attribute some of them to stress, but not all of them… Now, things are different, it’s like I’m living in that space all the time.
- But, I’ve been looking at the cereal in my pantry like it’s the enemy…
- I find that no matter what I do in life, where I go or with whom, I always end up feeling guilty and being responsible for other people; most significantly for their emotions. It’s a strange thing, but I often wonder if one of the reasons we have a hosting team rather than one host, is so that we have enough bases covered to not make anyone miserable and to not hurt anyone.
- I’m also starting to suspect that that is a large part of why our system is disproportionately large to the abuse – we have just continued to split to cope with relatively minor things.
- Quick post while someone changes someone’s diaper. :) I ran 5.5 km today in 42 minutes (pitifully slow for runners, quite great for meeeee).
- She told me I had become a burden to her and she had to leave me to it so she had time for herself, because her own relationship was suffering due to the stress of this situation.
- I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to in the heat of the moment. At first I felt shocked. Then the tears came. Not the silent type of tears, the messy type with big sobs where you can’t catch your breath and you saturate a tissue in ten seconds flat.
- They, like ‘me’, may have actually suffered ‘brain trauma’ while they were growing up, trying to survive.
- Studies have proven that abuse changes people inside, deep within their brain, the ‘wiring’ so to speak. Double – triple! – that effect as a child, maybe even more.
- It leads me to sit before this laptop and feel somewhat overwhelmed by the question: who is this “I”?
- A big theme of my therapy is finding ways and allowing ourselves to express ourselves.
- There are going to be two posts that I write about today and both of them are things that have been weighing heavy upon my mind.
- now it is time to make the decision
- 2) I look at it, get as much info about it as I possibly can, try to feel out the alter’s needs to determine what will help them lay the terror down and free me of their immediate pain.
- I will discharge their terror though adrenaline rushes that come and go. I will discharge their shock and sadness through slowly taking it in until it starts to feel too unmanageable, then force myself to take a break from it before taking it on again. Eventually it loses its grip.
- Bonds change, the break, they are broken and they fade away. They are all hard.
- Repressed memories the way I am using them are the ones that are store in the reptilian brain.
- I just got awoken, or rather I pushed and pushed till i was fully awake. I was having this weird dream.
- The idea was to train you to not give an inch to not make eye contact or make friends.
- We didnt want to face pain again and the best way of making sure that didnt happen was to stop any chance of pain coming by shutting down on the outside.
- In the last newsletter, I talked about the crucial role identity plays in our online interactions. This time, we’ll look at the problems caused by having a multiplicity of identities. We’ve all heard of multiple personality disorder (formerly known as “split personality” and currently called “dissociative identity disorder” (DID) in the medical world. It’s a very rare psychiatric condition, but of course, to a lesser degree, we all put on different faces to different people or groups and in different situations and settings.
Almost all of us have multiple identities in the online world too. These usually manifest in the form of accounts
- Yeah, it's that kind of film. It's a romantic comedy. It's a fun-loving summertime flick. It's ... a full-blown action movie?
- "Hit & Run" is many things — so much so that it suffers from multiple personality disorder. Yes, it's a romantic comedy starring real-life couple Dax Shepard (who also wrote and co-directed) and Kristen Bell. It's also a heist movie, picking up the narrative after the heist-gone-wrong and dealing with the troubled aftermath. And mostly it's a car-chase movie with multiple high-speed scenes that show off the muscle of cars instead of men.
- Much as you might love his dead-on impersonations of everyone from Denzel Washington and Will Smith to Jay Z, Lil' Wayne and Kayne West, do not dare shout out requests like you're hanging at the lounge in a Las Vegas Holiday Inn.
Or you might get an answer you didn't bargain on. - "It's happened before," said Pharoah, laughing while lapsing into an impression of Training Day star Washington delivering a beat down on a heckler. "I had to say, 'You wanna get your a-- kicked by Denzel? I have multiple personality disorder; that means you can get your a-- whipped by 24 different people.' "
- I appreciate the cordial manner in which Dr. Allen Frances makes his point, agreeing with several things I wrote in my lead essay, “Strategies of Psychiatric Coercion.” Perhaps one of his more important concessions is that mental illness is a myth. He makes several serious mistakes, however. He did not read and study the meaning and purpose of legal fiction in my essay. Additionally, he claims I believe in “worthless myths.” As readers will see, there are important reasons why people believe in and perpetuate myths concerning psychiatry and mental illness.
- ‘What premise does it (mental illness) assume?’ It assumes that the idea of illness is applicable to the mind (or whatever we mean by the mind). ‘With what proposition is it seeking to reconcile the decision at hand (psychiatric coercions and excuses)?’ It seeks to reconcile the decision to deprive innocent persons of liberty, and to exonerate guilty persons of responsibility, with the proposition that insanity is an illness which annuls free will and responsibility, and with the claim that so treating certain persons does not violate our commitment to a political philosophy of individual freedom and responsibility under the rule of law.”
- Bradley, this explains a lot... XD well your friends will love you no matter what and those enemies you have we're probably jackwads to begin with so they don have to understand
. This explains a lot though
. I guess when we talk I should figure out which side I'm getting in that moment
. I support you no matter what mulitple personality disorder and whatever else is up with you so if you need me PM me cos I'm here and I'm not really going anywhere (except I do have work in an hour but when I get home around 1:00 my time I'll be on here)
- It's not impossible that you have DID, but luckily for you, you probably do not! It's not uncommon to feel like behaving differently amongst different people and different situations. Your GP will be able to help, and won't have to inform your parents if you don't want him/her to. Hopefully you'll get some reassurance
URGENT!!!!! multiple personality disorder australian poem?
I have an english assignment due in on friday. I need to find an Australian multiple personality disorder poem written by an Australian author or set in Australia.Any Help would be great thank you.- Your english teacher is sick
- I am currently reading Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d
by Candace P. Pert (one of the talking heads in the film “What the Bleep?”). In this book, Candace explores the connection between our body and our minds
- If the body has the ability to morph so easily, the only reason we don’t all have perfectly functioning bodies is because we don’t think it’s possible. Even after sharing that it is possible, it’s still a difficult concept to accept.
- she was way way overworked and not ok because from when she found out about stuff, she would never go inside. because in her mind, the only time she was inside was when bad things were happening. so she had to stay out to make sure nothing bad happened. but that meant she never got a break and wouldn't let the rest of us help her. when we were 28 she went into a coma very deep inside. when she came out of the coma a very long time later, she was in a very deep depression. the only ones who could reach her were the healers and the priestesses.
- this poem was written by her. most of our poems we don't know who writes them, but she wrote this one. because she knew lots of things about some of us, but felt like she had no idea who she was. that she was empty. a shell to hold the rest of us. it wasn't true. but she didn't know who she was.
- Sometimes, I think about our future. He says he’d love to name a dog Fenway; I realize we’d have to have a second dog so I could name it Bronx. If we had a kid, his parents would buy our baby a Boston jumper, mine would buy a Yankee bib. Multiple personality disorder would ensue.
- Like any good relationship, however, ours has compromise. When he wants to spend the evening watching a Red Sox game, I get bribed with a back massage. When he took me to Fenway Park, he was kind enough not to join in with the “Yankees Suck” cheers (very loudly).
- What are some good movies on "Multiple Personality Disorder"?
- Haha I'm guessing you watched The Ward then ;-)
- It’s one of the most common plot twists in Hollywood — caught red-handed, the murderer claims to suffer from multiple personality disorder, says he has no memory of the crime, and points the finger at an alternate personality.
- The study — conducted by Harvard’s Richard J. McNally, Rafaele Huntjens of the University of Groningen, and Bruno Verschuere of the University of Amsterdam — casts doubt on the “amnesia barrier” that has long been a hallmark of what is now called dissociative identity disorder (DID) by demonstrating that patients do have knowledge of their other identities. Huntjens was lead author of the study, which was reported in a paper published in PLoS ONE on July 17.
- Dr. Phil (Tracy is a married mother of four who says her life was forever changed the day she was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, more commonly known as multiple personality disorder. She says she has five personalities, or “alters”: Emily, a frightened 5-year-old child; Becky, who cuts, bruises, chokes and has threatened to kill Tracy; Susie, an innocent 10-year-old child; Samantha, “the CEO” and Miss Anne, “the caretaker.” Tracy says that she’ll oftentimes black out when an alter takes over and that the transition back to being Tracy can make her physically ill. Joined by her husband, Tyler, the couple says Tracy's alter egos and unpredictable moods are causing strain on their marriage, and they're struggling to explain her erratic behavior to their children. Is Tracy’s diagnosis real? Then, in a Dr. Phil first, Tracy transitions between her alters onstage. Speaking as Becky and Susie, can Dr. Phil gather insight into Tracy’s disorder? Tracy’s therapist, Dr. Peggy Avent, joins the show and explains her diagnosis. Could a secret from Tracy’s childhood hold the key to understanding her illness? Tracy’s mom, Sandy, weighs in and shares why she blames herself.) [Check Show Times]
A study conducted by Professor of Psychology Richard J. McNally and colleagues from the University of Groningen and the University of Amsterdam is casting doubt on the “amnesia barrier” that has long been a hallmark of multiple personality disorder, now called dissociative identity disorder, by demonstrating that patients have knowledge of their other identities.
I Have Dissociative Identity Disorder
for those who leaves in the USA bob larson can help u, u don t have to leave the rest of your life as slave...alters , demons will vanish...please check his videos on youtube....there is an and to this mess...for those who are under medication...drop it and seek an exorcism from the pastor...
- When remembering traumatic events, memory doesn't work like a VCR that can be played back later, verbatim. Instead you store an emotion-tinged experience in bits and pieces -- some of which may stand out more than others. When you later try to tell someone what happened, you are "constructing" the experience into story form, for understanding. This can make DID patients' histories confusing.
Is Multiple Personality Disorder a real thing?
I've been told by a friend of mine that was taking phychology classes it isn't but I want to be sure.- Uh, yes, it is, actually, but technically it's called Disassociative Identity Disorder. Though it's much rarer and not as played up as they make it in the movies. However, this girl's professor could be one who doesn't believe it's an actual disorder. While most experts agree that it is, indeed, a real mental problem, a small fraction choose to believe otherwise, for some reason.Just more proof that one should always check multiple sources and form their opinion based on that rather than taking people's words at face value, even if they are a professor... that goes for you, too. Don't just take Yahoo answers as truth. Go ahead and look it up yourself, if you find time.
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- Does my friend has multiple personality disorder?
- she told me she was a triplet and changed places with one of her sisters a lot. She kept a lot of her past a secret but has giving me enough to read between the lines.
- Dissociative Identity Disorder: How good a representation of dissociative identity disorder is the movie Fight Club?
- The word went unnoticed by my husband as did Doll’s longing and expectation for praise and adoration for her doll-like perfection. When it did not come, she started to grow frustrated. It increased upon arriving home to the point where I was walking around the house sighing and annoyed ready to blow my top. I knew it wasn’t “me” exactly and that was when I really started to cue in to what was going on.
- And this morning when I sat down alone and waded through all the chaos inside, of which there was a lot, many people wanting to tell me or show me things about Doll, I realized much more disturbing info about her role.
- Children cannot eat words. Blinded by starvation, they cannot see pictures. I wondered at the incongruity of this. Talent has value. It raises awareness. It inspires giving in others.
- As the Founder and CEO of Plum Tree Books, I put out a call across social media for artists, poets, writers and photographers to join me in a Song Of Sahel.
- I am a big fan of casual games, and hidden object/adventure games in particular. They allow one to get some fun brain exercise, and are usually not very frustrating. Casual games are a great way to take a break from the hard work of trauma recovery and ride out the tough spots.
- I just finished one of these games where the topic of the story is about a girl who has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). It depicts this somewhat exotic disorder fairly accurately, albeit showing inaccurate and even more exotic treatment.
- For that reason, it’s really good for me to be able to come here, and share my truth, and be accepted as I am — however that happens to be. So thank you for being here, thank you for accepting and supporting me. It makes all the difference. <3
- Pain that knocks us on our ass, bring tears to our eyes as our head yearns for the tabletop, and the struggle to cope invades our mind.
- I want to write, again, because it’s my way of processing, but I don’t really know what to say. It was rough day today. There is so much confusion and uncertainty happening around me and I’m not able to process it thoroughly.
- I feel pretty numb. My body has returned to it’s shut down, automatic, mode. I don’t like it
- She must make a personal choice now and no one can really help her.
- Godspeed woman.
- After all no one can walk away from a week of one person telling how perfect, perfect, perfect their life is, while making you feel that with a little more effect yours could be too, while the other person is constantly telling you that you are wrong, wrong in the way you feel, wrong in the way you talk, wrong in the way you think, wrong in the way you breath, and that you should just to it his way, although that would be wrong too. I have enough issues with my self-worth without being brain washed by two people who are supposed to love me because they are family, but all they do is tear me down.
Current and archived curated/annotated News in Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) as collected daily from Google Search utilizing Diigo and by visiting blogs of other people who are also multiples. --- by Ann M Garvey --- Anns are dissociative and believe being dissociative is something that should be treated respectfully.